How to organize your locker and backpack


Use your locker to your advantage!

Ben Walker, Sports Editor

For many freshmen, it may be difficult to use your locker and also have a light backpack. Well, fear no more! The WA Ghostwriter has tips for you!

1. Try to use your locker in the mornings, before first block

If you don’t have any classes that are close to each other, try to grab the materials you need for the first four classes of the day. That way, you will be prepared and on time to all of your classes. Once long block hits, try to go to your locker before you go to lunch so you can empty your bag, and grab the materials you need for the rest of the day. Don’t feel like carrying around all that stuff? Try using different folders for each of your classes. By doing this, you won’t have to carry around four binders all morning.

2. Use your locker when you have classes that are close to each other

Going to your locker in between classes may seem impossible, but most of the time it can be done. Yes, you will have the occasional class that is on the other side of the building, but if you don’t, using your locker would be extremely beneficial. For example, if you have a science class after a math class, that would be an ideal time to use your locker. Not only are the classes close together, but using your locker will also take a load off of your backpack. The bell is meant to give students enough time to get to their classes fully prepared, so take advantage of it.

3. Remember your combination!

One of the most important things when it comes to your locker, is the combination you get on the first day of school. As soon as you get your combination, write it down or put it in your phone. It is also important to learn how to unlock your locker. It may seem difficult at first, but practice makes perfect! Knowing how to unlock your locker is key, especially when you are in a hurry to your next class.

Now that you know how to organize your locker, the Ghostwriter also has tips for your backpack too!

1. Try having a homework folder for all your classes

Nobody likes a heavy backpack, so try not to be hard on yourself. At the end of the day, try putting all of your homework from each class into a folder. That way, you don’t have to fill your bag with binders from each class.

2. Don’t put your textbooks in your bags

Organizing your backpack is important as a student
Organizing your backpack is important as a student

Textbooks are way too heavy to carry around in bag all day and to and from your house. Carry them around to save yourself from injuring yourself. Carrying six binders and three textbooks around all day isn’t necessary or healthy. In fact, embrace your locker as a place to store your massive school textbooks.

Freshman year is the year to get adjusted to high school, so take advantage of the things that are given to you. Your locker is there to help you stay organized, so use it. As for your backpack, use it almost as a mobile locker. Don’t make it too heavy for yourself, it isn’t necessary or healthy. Surviving high school is easy if you use the tools that are provided to you!