Homecoming tailgate tradition continues


Students enjoying the 2014 tailgate. Photo provided by: Kai-Lou Yu

Ben Walker, Sports Editor

On Friday, October 23rd, WA will hold their annual spirit week/homecoming tailgate. The event will be held in the same location as last year, right outside of Alumni Stadium.

According to WA Athletic Director Dan Twomey, there will not be any major differences from the tailgate last year. However, this year there will be a DJ to provide entertainment for those in attendance. In addition, like last year, people who wish to attend are allowed to bring vehicles and tables to station in the parking lot.

There will also be a few school clubs that will have tailgate stations. Some of these include WATA, Student Council, and WA Marching Band. There may even be a few WA sports teams, seeing as though WA Girls’ Basketball had a station there last year.

Also, like last year, there will be a $100.00 gift card given out to the best tailgate. This gift card, according to Twomey, can be used basically anywhere the recipient desires.

Another difference this year is that there will not be hamburgers or hot dogs sold to those who attend. However, fans are still encouraged to bring whatever would, including food and tailgate games.

“Bring your own food, grill, whatever you want to do. If you have a game you want to play, hopefully the weather is nice and not raining like it has the last year or two,” said Twomey.

As for the tailgate itself, there is no fundraiser involved.

“There is no particular fundraiser for this event, it is just more of a community event, said Twomey. “Just a way to kick back and relax, and have some fun with some of your classmates and friends.”

Although last year was still pretty successful, Twomey believes the DJ will add to the fun. In addition, many people brought games like bean bag tailgate toss last year, so he would like to see that continue in this year’s tailgate.

Since this event will be held at the end of spirit week, Twomey hopes the school spirit will keep rolling into the tailgate.

“I hope the weather is beautiful, I hope the pep rally on Friday continues right on into Friday night with the tailgate and the football game. Its a big game, the team is 5-0,” said Twomey.

The tailgate is open to anyone in Westford and will be on Friday night at 5 pm, prior to the football game at 7 pm.