Students speak up for Day of Silence

March 21, 2018
The Day of Silence is an annual day to spread awareness for bullying and harassment for the LGBTQ community at school. GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) has been a huge part of the event since April 1996. Every year the organization sets a day to spread awareness and schools from around the world register to participate. WA is honoring this event by selling bracelets, pins and flags for $1.
The Day of Silence is a day to a vow of silence for the entire to symbolize not judging others. Many students worldwide and even here at WA have been open about who they are and have supported GLSEN from the beginning.
Students like freshman Teagan Chandler, think the Day of Silence sends a powerful message to everyone.
“I think it stands for something important…and the intent is good and sends a powerful message that I respect,” Chandler said.
The Day of Silence to support LGBTQ over the years has had silence cards in order to maintain the silent protest. Chandler feels like they could protest differently.
“I think there are other ways to support this..silence just doesn’t seem like the right thing to combat bullying,” says Chandler.
Others, like sophomore Laura Woods who are part of GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) think the event is a fantastic idea for everyone to be who they are and have no one judge.
“They should be able to say, ‘I find it easy to be myself here. I don’t make any efforts to hide my sexuality and no one has a problem with it, ‘” she comments when asked how LGBTQ students at WA would feel about this event. “I don’t think any LGBTQ people are being bullied because of their being gay at this school.”
Freshman Olivia Dunn has had her experiences with the LGBTQ community. From pretending to be one in a play to helping her LGBTQ friends through struggles, Dunn shares a close connection to it.
“I think the community must feel respected and proud to be recognized,” she says, “and as a non-GSA member, I look at the silence as motivational.”
When asked if this event might put pressure on any LGBT students at WA, Dunn replied, “The whole event, while a good message, could draw attention to those who don’t want attention…like pressure to come out or just talk about it when maybe they dont want too.”