Riley Rohlfs Reflects on a Successful Season

Oliver Davey, Staff Writer

Riley Rohlfs, a junior at WA, has just wrapped up his third season as a Varsity Golf member. One of the top golfers at WA, he proved he could not only compete in just team matches but at a sectional and state level individually.

Rohlfs played for WA during the 2017-2018 season  against various teams and on various courses in 9-hole golf matches. During the season, he averaged 17.5 points per match, as the matches are done in a point format. 18 points would be par on every hole which is about 14 strokes better than what an average golfer would shoot for 9 holes, so needless to say, his performances positively affected the team.

Rohlfs was a DCL All-Star, Team MVP, and will be recommended to be Lowell Sun All-Star. However, he still thinks he can improve.

“I did okay individually, but I could have done better,” Rohlfs said.

Rohlfs not only contributes to the golf team in matches, he is also a leader. This has been taken note of by Varsity Golf Coach Dave DeLong.

“He’s a leader, he shows the other guys how to approach the game. He’s more ‘lead by example’ rather than a guy that will stand up and yell,” DeLong said.

DeLong also mentioned Rohlfs’ all-around game and how he doesn’t have any real weaknesses on the course.

“He drives the ball well, he putts well, he chips well. He’s got a pretty good, well-rounded game,” DeLong said. “He doesn’t have any real weaknesses.”

Rohlfs also competed at the north sectional golf tournament at Bass Rocks Golf Club, qualifying for the tournament by shooting four over or better in half his matches. He shot a 74, which is five over par, and tied for 6th place, qualifying him for the state individual tournament.

At the state individual tournament at Haverhill Country Club, Rohlfs shot a 78 (eight over par). This earned him a tie for 20th place out of 38 golfers. Rohlfs got these scores despite not being used to playing the courses, and having the tees moved all the way back, which can make playing the courses much harder.

Although the team was not able to make the team North Sectional Championship, Rohlfs and the team hope to be back next year.

“We kind of struggled as a team but I think we will do better next year,” Rohlfs said, “I think we can [make the championship] next year.”

Individually, Rohlfs is hoping to keep improving and hopefully play college golf after his senior year.