McGinn strides for success at Gordon College

Molly Smith, Staff Writer

Colin McGinn has been running for most of his life and competing for the last seven years. Due to his commitment and expertise at running, he will be participating in cross country and track and field at Gordon College in the fall.

“I will be majoring in biology and movement science because I want to become a sports trainer so I can help athletes and runners boost their performance,” McGinn said.

McGinn decided on Gordon College because it was a small school with a community feeling. Once stepping on campus he felt like he could call the school his home for the next four years.

“I committed to Gordon College because my mom went there, also they have a rigorous biology program. The cross country is fantastic and has an amazing coach,” McGinn said.

Over the years, McGinn has learned many things from the sport, including commitment. Running takes an enormous amount of dedication, endurance, and mental toughness. He learned teamwork as well because in cross country you must rely on the trust you have made with your teammates so your times are stronger. He sights these two traits as not only helpful in his running performance, but also in his academic performance.

McGinn is planning on adopting a schedule similar to one he uses in high school so he can remain focused both on academics and athletics. He will allow time for studying, running, and relaxation. He believes that having a structured schedule like this will help him stay focused on what is most important.

McGinn will also be rooming with another runner, which will help him remain focused on his cross country progress.

Last fall, McGinn was able to take a glimpse at what his future life would look like. He was able to stay overnight on campus and get to know the team and coaches better while partaking in their practices.

“They are all extremely welcoming and amazing people, who I can’t wait to call my teammates,” McGinn said.

Throughout his varsity high school career, McGinn set a high bar for future runners to strive for including being named a DCL All-Star and a captain his senior year.

McGinn will compete in a half marathon this spring, before running at Gordon College in the fall. He is hoping to qualify for the Boston Marathon in the future.

“Overall running provides freedom, dedication as well as a way to push yourself,” McGinn said.