Thai isn’t on the fly

Hannah Thomas, Staff Writer

At 6:30 p.m. on the Friday night of March 8, the delivery guy from DoorDash delivered my food from Thai on the Fly. The Thai restaurant is located at the Acorn Plaza in Westford and has been opened for about two years.

The bag had containers filled with Khao Pad Sapp (fried rice pineapple), Kooey Thee-ew Pad Pad (noodles), Gang Luang (yellow curry), and scallion pancakes. The food, including the curry, didn’t spill as I opened the bag. I had noticed many of the foods didn’t have many vegetables which were a disappointment. The only vegetables they had was potato, carrots, and cucumbers. The price of the food was reasonable. For five items it cost around $53. The meals’ prices were reasonable because it was about $10 or $11 for each order.

The scallion pancakes weren’t as good as other restaurants because it didn’t have a lot of flavors and was very bleak. The pancakes were also too crunchy.

As I first began eating the Kooey Thee-ew Pad Ped, which was the noodles. I noticed it was salty and on the dry side. Other than it being dry and salty, there was a good amount of flavors and spices used made it taste better.

Moving onto the fried rice pineapple, I took note that it was very oily. In addition, I would have expected more pineapple in it, having pineapple in the title, but the amount was inadequate. Another factor which made me not like the fried rice was the flavors from both the pineapples and the seasoning for the rice, which was very distasteful. The rice was very oily while he pineapples were sweet, and the mixture was not appetizing.

To top it off, the choices of putting certain vegetables together in the fried rice was not the greatest. In the fried rice, there was green beans, carrots, broccoli, and baby carrots. Some of the vegetables, like the green beans, were not fully cooked while other vegetables were overcooked, like the broccoli. The baby carrots tasted as if they came from a can.

After, I ate the Gang Luang, which is the yellow curry. Curry isn’t my favorite food in the first place so I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t like the curry. The curry didn’t have a variety of vegetables, as I suspected from the other meals, but it did have a good spice flavoring which I enjoyed, and the potatoes in the curry were cooked perfectly while still maintaining their shape.

There were some good things I liked about the restaurant’s food. Some of the vegetables were cooked well. They also have a good amount of flavors that mixed together. As I mentioned earlier, I liked the prices for each of the food. When ordering vegetables with the food it’s free.

There were many things I didn’t like about the restaurant such as the number of vegetables used, as I ordered the noodles and the rice to have more vegetables and I would have expected more than what there was. Also, I didn’t like how oily the food was. Some of the food like the fried rice and the noodles didn’t look oily at the top but there was oil at the bottom. The cost adds up for adding chicken, beef, shrimp, etc.

Overall, I give this restaurant two out of five stars.