Local father running for Congress
Terence Ryan and Matthew Ryan (left).
January 11, 2018
Very few people know about the type of work a member of Congress does and how much time they spend doing it. According to an image acquired by the Huffington Post and used in an article on the Washington Post, a first-time member of Congress should spend about six hours a day fundraising on top of the time that is spent actually doing legislative work.
To do their job well, Congressmen have to put in an immense amount of dedication. They have to study and learn complex and controversial topics such as immigration, education, medical care, and taxes. They have to spend time forming relationships with colleagues, constituents, and experts who have beneficial advice, and they have to raise money for their cause.
Most importantly, though, they have to stay connected with family and friends, so as not to distance themselves from their personal life and community. Realizing what matters most can be difficult when one is nearly consumed with work.
Westford School Committee Chairman, Terence “Terry” Ryan, is optimistic that he can become one of those new members of Congress. If he wins, he believes that the large amount of work that comes with the position won’t overwhelm him.
“I hope [my life] wouldn’t change that much. I’d be busier, but I still plan on being involved in Westford. I still plan on attending hockey games of my daughter, and Matthew’s lacrosse games. I think it’s important to still be in the community,” said Terry Ryan.
Terry Ryan announced back in August on Facebook that he would be running for U.S. Congresswoman Niki Tsongas’s seat in the 2018 midterm elections.
“I am happy to announce that I am running for U.S. Congress to represent Massachusetts’ 3rd Congressional District,” wrote Terry Ryan.
Terry Ryan is hopeful that he can continue to remain present in the Westford community as well as in his wife and children’s lives. The same can be said for Ryan’s son Matthew, who is a sophomore at Westford Academy, who believes that if his father is elected, it won’t affect his life too much.
“Obviously he’d be gone more, but I think it would be great. It would be a good thing for our family and it would be a good thing to happen,” said Matthew Ryan.
Matthew Ryan also expressed his enthusiasm for his father running for Congress.
“It’s pretty exciting, […] he’s always had this dream, and I’m glad he’s going for it. It’s a really good thing to do, and I think he’ll do a really great job,” said Matthew Ryan.
Terry Ryan truly epitomizes the description of someone who is invested in the welfare of their community, as well as someone with expertise in several backgrounds. He is currently chairman of the Westford School Committee and is director of the Merrimack Valley Small Business Center. He was on the board of directors for Chelmsford Swim and Tennis as well. He has also worked at Raytheon and Lucent Technologies, so he has knowledge on a wide range of topics.
“I understand national defense and missile defense systems. I understand how telecommunications and network security is very important. And I understand that economic development starts with small business,” said Terry Ryan.
The excitement around having a father who could win a seat in Congress has certainly not fazed Matthew Ryan. He believes that his father would be a great Congressman, and even offered some advice to his dad.
“Keep doing what he’s doing in Westford but on a national scale. What he’s been doing in Westford is helping everyone and contributing in lots of positive aspects in how the town is run. If he was lucky enough to be elected, doing that on a national level in Congress would be very helpful,” said Matthew Ryan.