Giving the Snow the Cold Shoulder

Another snow day looms in Westford

Alison Bergeron, Staff Writer

With the promise of a blizzard on the horizon, and a current 71% chance of school cancellation on the “Snow Day Calculator,” Westford Academy students are practically singing “Let it Snow”.

While underclassmen look forward to escaping another day of classes, seniors celebrate the fact that they will not have to make up the missed school at the end of the year, thanks to graduation.

As a senior, I can’t deny that I enjoy a day off just as much as my classmates, yet I find myself sick of winter and would rather trade my snow days for warm weather and signs of spring.

The bland color palette of winter has left me longing for the pinks and greens that springtime brings. While I would love a day to relax catch up on schoolwork, I can’t help but resent the concept of a snow day, for that means another coating of snow, just weeks away from spring.

As a person who does not take part in winter sports, yet loves the outdoors, I find my ability to be active and spend time in nature limited. With this much snow, it’s difficult to lie out in the grass with a book or go for an evening stargaze without extreme discomfort from the cold. The incoming blizzard will only push the days in which one can take part in these activities further away.

The promise of snow also serves as a promise for more shoveling, more snow-related car accidents, and more school stress as teachers rush to cover material missed during snow days. Personally, I feel that the cons of a snow day outweigh the pros. Although, I’m not a fan of waking up early or going to class, I’d take that over the mad dash to cram in lessons that snow has simply left no time for.

To those who enjoy the winter weather, I envy you as I have come to find it nothing but stifling. As a senior, I am aware that I will not be attending classes for much longer and would rather pull through my last month of classes at WA, as opposed to having them cancelled by snow.

I do appreciate the beauty of winter, but spring  just can’t seem to come fast enough. I’d rather weather out the days until the snow melts than take any more of this snow. So no thank you, I will not be singing ‘Let it Snow,’ but rather “Mr. Golden Sun.