Love Trumps Hate?
Protests occur in the streets of Chicago
November 28, 2016
Throughout the 2016 election cycle, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats constantly accused GOP nominee Donald J Trump of hateful rhetoric and general prejudice, coining the phrase “Love Trumps Hate” as a rallying cry against the Republican nominee and for Clinton herself. With the election now over and the Democrats in shambles, that exact rally cry is being put to the test on its own curators, and they’re failing miserably.
Clinton supporters had begun to show their true colors as the election rolled along, even going as far as to firebomb a North Carolina GOP office, and defacing the area with hateful graffiti, likening Republicans to Nazis and demanding them to leave town.
Many Democrats asserted that these folks were not representative of their party or its supporters, and that may very well have been true. Liberals were assuming their candidate would coast into victory and these issues would be a thing of the past. However, their hate and intolerance would continue.
The polls were wrong, the media was wrong, and the American people spoke. Donald J. Trump is now our president-elect.
Instead of doing exactly what they encouraged their conservative counterparts to do in the case of a Trump loss, they took to rioting and protesting in the streets, causing chaos for everyday Americans.
There are two main issues with this behavior from liberal America: the hate spewing from many of these protesters and the double standards that exist between liberals and conservatives.
Before I continue, I want to make one thing clear: peaceful protests are very acceptable and are your right as an American. You are entitled to your own opinion of Trump and his supporters. However, it is also my right as an American to expose the hypocrisy of these recent protests.
Republicans have spent the better part of the past decade being called a range of hateful and provocative terms such as racists, Nazis, and even “deplorables”. They have spent the last 8 years under control by the opposition, and now the tables have turned and the hate towards conservatives has ramped up significantly.
Protests have been highlighted denouncing Trump as president, calling him a racist and a fascist as they walk through American cities.
Some American conservatives had a similar reaction after Obama’s election in 2008 and 2012, and some were downright racist. However, this was perpetrated by small groups in rural towns, not in the major cities with thousands of people involved.
Citizens have decided that rioting and destroying their cities was the best way to deal with the president elect that they don’t like. In fact, it even came out that half the protesters in the Oregon riot didn’t even vote or were not registered to vote.
I suggest that if these protesters want to be taken seriously, they should do what informed, mature citizens do; vote, run for office, or peacefully protest.