Students offer thoughts on election
November 2, 2016
Recently, the Ghostwriter got a chance to go around the school asking many students their opinions on the most prominent issue in America that needs to change or fix.
Connor Degenhardt, Senior
“I think that the most important issue in this election is national security, whether it be immigration from Mexico or [the] refugee situation in Syria, the background checks and everything, I think that clearly there’s a lot of issues in our country today. I feel that [what is] most threatening, the most direct threat is, what’s going on with terrorism and the most important issue in our country is making sure everyone is safe before we start moving on to everything else.”
Arnav Sharma, Junior
“How we treat each other as Americans, helping each other and others in need, and those that are discriminated against, I think that’s the most important problem.”
Alice Yun, Junior
“Definitely just being good people to each other, character, temperament, attitude towards each other, towards groups of people, especially women, minorities and races.”
Alison Lakefield, Freshman
“Trump. He sucks. He demoralizes women, he’s going to lose allies because he’s going to bomb everything, what else is wrong with him besides everything? During debates, he doesn’t answer the question! And he interrupts, so he’s very rude and disrespectful.”