5 national organizations to donate to this holiday season
The American Red Cross is a great organization to donate to this holiday season!
December 18, 2015
With the holidays arriving soon, the Ghostwriter has compiled a list of 5 nationwide charitable organizations to donate to during this generous time of the year.
1. Big Brothers, Big Sisters-Donations to this national charity go towards helping children realize their potential and keeping kids off the streets. They also provide mentors and donations to keep at risk kids stay out of trouble and stay in school to be as successful as possible. Donations and more information can be found at their website at bbbs.org.
2. St. Jude Research Hospital-Donations to this hospital go directly towards helping children with cancer and other diseases, as well as funding cure research and supporting the families of patients going through treatment. Information is available at their website at stjude.org .
3. American Cancer Society-This well known organization has similar goals with St. Jude’s; as donations go towards cure research primarily, as well as patients who are working to survive cancer. Donations can easily be made on their website at donate.cancer.org .
4. American Red Cross-The Red Cross focuses on humanitarian efforts, such as assisting displaced families from disasters including house fires. Donations can even be directed to your local Red Cross rather than to the entire national organization, or can be made directly at their site at redcross.org.
5. Goodwill-Goodwill is a thrift store will all of its products being donated by surrounding communities. Local stores in Westford have Goodwill bins where you can donate your clothes and toys to be brought to stores and be sold. The charity aspect of this is that millions of people benefit from job training as well as assisting those in need from working at Goodwill. Donations and other information on store locations can be found on their website at goodwill.org.
For students who would like to stay local with their donations, they can donate to clubs such as WA Pride. In fact, faculty at WA are being invited to donate presents to a family who cannot afford some on their own.