By Craig Brinkerhoff
Staff Writer
On Wednesday the 5th, Westford Academy Juniors descended upon the cafeteria for the annual Career Exploration Breakfast.
There were 47 total careers options to choose from, covering everything from Nurse Practitioner to Interior Designer. Some careers were more popular, including lawyer and physical therapist; Doctor, psychologist, and engineer all required separate rooms, due to popular turnout.
“It was a fun and educational experience,” said junior Morgen Tansey, after learning what it takes to become a pilot.
Every student was able to choose three top career choices a few months ago, and were then given two of these to attend during A Block. There was a mad frenzy at the billboard outside guidance before the bell to figure out where students must go.
Each presentation varied greatly; some promoted open ended discussion, such as chemistry, while others brought tools of the trade and even power point screens and projectors. The pilot table not only had maps describing flight patterns, but also handheld radios and headphones.
“Forensics was pretty cool,” said junior Jack Underhill. Forensics was one of the more popular choices, with two conjoined tables dedicated to more students.
The block was split, dedicating half of the time to one career. Between presentations, students discussed their last career, and what was up next.
While many people voiced mixed feelings about the usefulness of such a presentation format, it was generally well received.
The Class of 2014 had a similar career breakfast last year as sophomores, and were able to build off of that experience Wednesday morning.