Q: You’re a new teacher at Westford Academy, right?
A: I’m a new teacher in general, this is my first year teaching.
Q: How is your teaching experience so far?
A: It’s really great; the kids are wonderful, helpful, and same goes for the staff and administration. Everyone’s been really supportive and great.
Q: Where did you go to for college?
A: I graduated from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. I graduated with a degree in fine arts, 3-D, sculpture, and also art education.
Q: When did you start enjoying art?
A: I took classes here and there throughout high school, but not until my junior year was when I really had an inclination towards it and I really started to love it. I think my ceramics class really got me into it and in senior year, I had about five or four art classes that year and I decided to go to Mass Art.
Q: Do you have any favorite artists?
A: I like Dale Chihuly and glass-blowing pieces, I like a lot of illustration artists, a lot of drawers.
Q: Do you have a favorite type of art?
A: I do like sculpture, that’s what I make personally. I like 3-D stuff.
Q: What would you say is the most difficult part of your job?
A: I plan all these wonderful things to do and if it doesn’t go quite right, the most difficult thing is to sort of sit back and think about what went wrong and what I can fix about it next time.
Q: What do you exactly teach in your classes?
A: Up in this room, Graphic Design 1 and 2 and image editing. What we deal with mostly is image manipulation and the computers using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I also teach a class downstairs in the fine art department, which is the Foundations of Art class.
Q: Do you like teaching the age group, the high schoolers?
A: Yep, I do. You guys are great. I like (the age group); lots of energy.
Q: Are any interesting class projects going on at the moment?
A: Downstairs we’re doing a collage and water color project, which is coming out really nicely. And up here the Graphic Design 2 kids are an honors class, so we have an intensive project going on and we just had a big critique about it. They’re making logos and doing branding and all sorts of market things for a big, eco-friendly company.
Q: What is your favorite thing to teach?
A: I do like the Fine Arts, so ceramics and painting is where my heart is.