Jenie Michael
Staff Writer
In the average relationship between siblings, brothers and sisters don’t typically get along. A survey revealed that the closer in age siblings are, the less close they are. For instance, those who are fourteen years apart get along much better than those who are four years apart. However, in the Sennott family, the siblings are just four hours apart, and they couldn’t be closer.
Rebecca and Cathryn Sennott are twins, sisters, and best friends. They go everywhere and do everything together. They “usually go everywhere together. [They] do all the same sports, and have all the same friends,” according to Cathryn.
While their relationship is every parent’s dream, there are occasional moments of disagreement.
“It’s just normal sister stuff. She’ll be wearing your clothes, she’ll take up all the bathroom time,” said Cathryn.
“But it’s like the pros always outweigh the cons, and it’s like…” added Rebecca.
“you always have a best friend,” the two explained in unison.
The two couldn’t be cuter together. They finish each others sentences, look at each other and burst out in laughter. It’s almost as though they can read each other’s minds.
“We always get the same questions from people like ‘do you guys have twin telepathy?’ All the time,” said Rebecca.
Twin telepathy does seem to be an idea they are familiar with.
“It’s like when you know someone so well, you just know what they’re thinking,” said Cathryn.
There’s nothing more touching then the love between sisters.
“We’re best friends. We never get bored because we’re always having a sleepover. We love each other,” said the girls, feeding off each other.
And in a contest, Rebecca and Cathryn would take home the gold, and mount it in the room they share as sisters, twins, and best friends.