Throughout the four years of high school, students begin to set personal goals, hoping to lay a foundation for their future. Overloading schedules with high-level classes and participating in varsity sports every season of the school year is how many students believe they can set themselves up for the future. However, having a part-time job as a high school student provides significant benefits including career experience and financial responsibility.
One of the most immediate advantages of having a job is the ability to seek social connections and collaborate with coworkers. As a student, having the opportunity to work proficiently with people other than your classmates and teammates will be beneficial in any future career. These experiences can strengthen one’s ability to work in a group setting and improve communication skills.
Additionally, money management is a major life skill that all teenagers should have experience with. Having a job allows this skill to be developed before reaching adulthood. This past year, I have been working three days a week at one of the elementary schools’ after school programs in town. Despite earning minimum wage, I have been able to learn the value of money and the hard work that comes with it.
Living in a world where everything is expensive, being able to earn my own money has allowed me to become more financially independent. Being aware that when I am shopping, going out with friends, or paying for a ticket at a sporting event, I am spending my own money. This mindset has allowed me to become a more responsible spender which will also be helpful beyond high school.
On the flip side, having a job can be difficult while balancing school, sports, extracurriculars, and time to yourself. On top of that, it is more convenient for high school students to drive themselves to where they are working, so for the majority of students this is not possible until the end of sophomore year and junior year.
Having a part time job teaches high school students how to become more responsible. This can be seen financially, and by holding themselves accountable. Being in a working environment forces students to balance their priorities and become self-sufficient. This will leave teenagers feeling more prepared once they upgrade to a full-time job and career.
It is estimated that 20-50% of graduating high school students enter college being undecided, not knowing what field they want to pursue. Having a job in the years leading up to college helps students have a better idea of what they want to do with their lives after receiving an education. Trying something new by being employed as a high school student can open a door, allowing the discovery of new careers.
Having a job while still being a student requires good time management. High school students oftentimes struggle with using their time effectively, especially when it comes to the distractions cell phones bring. However, a job forces high schoolers to prioritize their tasks and construct an efficient schedule that allows them to check off all of their to-do’s.
Here in town, there are plenty of job opportunities for high school students. A large population of the student body works at Kimballs during the spring and summer, and there are four local Dunkin’s in Westford who are often searching for new employees.
While balancing the pressure of maintaining solid grades in school, earning money, and planning for the future can be a lot to handle, a part time job is highly beneficial for high school students. Jobs allow the development of valuable skills and the potential of gaining a head start in what could build into a future career.