The week between the end of winter sports and the beginning of spring sports is usually like any other week, but not this year. This year, the Student Council (STUCO) and administration have established a March Madness Week. Filled with fun events and activities hosted by different clubs and classes, it is aimed to keep students entertained during the long month of March.
As part of this initiative, students will be participating in spirit week with different spirit themes during each school day. After school, there will be different events students can attend or participate in.
To start off the week, Monday was pajama spirit day, with a volleyball tournament after school. Tuesday is the second day, and it was the first annual Polar Plunge, a fundraiser to help raise money for the Special Olympics. They were able to raise more than $8,000 for the cause towards the Special Olympics in the spring.
“We are doing the spirit days almost as a way to remind students about the events happening after school,” Dean Betsy Murphy said.
The events on Wednesday include a Spikeball tournament hosted by the Class of 2025, and a Best Buddies dance party in the upper cafe right after school. The theme for Wednesday is going to be neon to remind people to stop by the dance.
Likewise, Thursday has some big events happening after school, with the teacher vs. student basketball game hosted by Hands to Haiti. The event matches the spirit day theme of teacher and student swap day, during which teachers will dress like students and vice versa. In addition, WATA will be performing their competition production of ‘Stupid … Bird’ in the PAC after the game.
Friday is purple theme at school to remind people to sign up for the Relay for Life event in May.
“That will be a great opportunity for people to raise money and have some fun in the process,” Murphy said.